Commitment to Quality
Citizen constantly endeavors to act in harmony with the diversity of stakeholders in society.
Mt. Fuji Clean Up Campaign
We participate in the "Mt. Fuji Clean Up Campaign" sponsored by Mt. Fuji Environmental Cleanup Movement Association.
Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Japan and one of the most famous mountains in the world. In recent years, trash has been decreasing due to various clean up activities on Mt. Fuji, and the attitudes of climbers and visitors have improved little by little. However, trash can often be seen in areas far from the route of the climb. Citizen Electronics will continue to join this clean up activity as a part of the environmental protection of Mt. Fuji.

Factory tours
Factory tours are conducted for students of elementary, junior high, and high schools in the community. We tell them that electronic devices are part of every day life and convey the pleasure of manufacturing. Actual products are displayed and we try to make students understand what kinds of products are manufactured. An area where the structure of an LED can be observed with a microscope is popular. A lot of students say that they were able to become interested in manufacturing by observing dice and gold wires, which they are not able to see in their daily lives. We regard these activities as a part of the development of capable personnel who will bear responsibility in the next generation.
We have accepted people for internships since 2000 and a lot of students take part in this system. Four items comprise the company's role in internships - "enhancement of capable personnel development who will bear responsibility in the next generation," "cultivation of a perspective of occupations for students, "enhancement of the benefits of specialized subject education," and "evolution into recruiting activities." Therefore, we develop activities in association with industries, public organizations, and educational institutions. Through internships, students can deepen their understanding of companies and society in general, and we can also receive a synergistic benefit such as the revitalization of the working place by conducting such a program. We will continue to promote this activity as a part of our social action programs.
Blood donation activity
We established the "Yamanashi Citizen Group Blood Donation Association" jointly with Citizen Seimitsu Co., Ltd. in 1977 and continue to conduct this activity. As the main activity, blood donations take place at business places in spring and autumn, and more than 100 employees take part in this activity each time. In cases where blood donations are needed for emergency surgeries, we ask for blood donations. We support this activity by encouraging employees to donate blood at business places during their working time. This long-term activity has been highly appreciated and we received a citation from the Health Minister for blood donation promotion in 2003.
Sponsor of the unusual "Fire festival in Yoshida"
"The Fire festival in Yoshida," which is registered as a Yamanashi-prefecture intangible folklore cultural asset and is one of the three unique Japanese festivals, takes place on August 26 every year. About 70 big torches are lit in the approaching dusk, and there is a sheet of flame in the city. This scene is glorious. The number of visitors reaches over one hundred thousand, and the festival is crowded until midnight. This is a festival marking the closure of the mountain, expressing our appreciation for the safe climbing of Mt. Fuji.
Our company donates a big torch and sends employees to the "Festival Facilitator Society" in which members lead the festival every year. We deepen exchanges with the community.

Children visiting day
Citizen Electronics has implemented a program called "Children visiting day" for employees' children during summer vacation every year since 2005. This program, which was started as one of the activities of "support to develop the next generation" and "benefits," is popular every year and attended by many families.
By manufacturing LED lamps using Citizen Electronics' products, participating in a tour of the company and having lunch at the employee canteen, children can promote parent-child bonding, have fun with manufacturing, and enjoy a sense of achievement.